The Best Of The Month

The Best Of The Month
An Ode To Derek: he freakin rocks! derick is one of the most peaceful people i know. understanding in the world of philosophical discussions. he is simply one of the best people i know. And for this reason i salute him as the person of the month.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

tori kyler conversation 2

so i was talking to a hobo about his life and he replied,'' its not bad ya eat, ya sleep, ya take dip in the lake and is about your average day."

kyler seems to think that one day he will be a full on hobo which is all fine and dandy, but i still think both of us should graduate high school at the least....... i will go to masage therapy school and culinary arts school......but kyler nope he dosen't even care.

Tori is right about highschool but hoboism is an art.

ok it may be an art but is it going any were? do you really have a future? if you had a kid would you be able to be a hobo and support it at the same time?

i believe if i played my cards right all would be well.

ok well kyler i wish you much luck!

ok now on to important was today there was city referandum 1 and school voucheres. cr 1 is all about big box and bringing big buisnesses to heber we dont want to shut down all the local shops so i vote NO. ok sv is giving money to privite schools so i also vote NO.

kyler also says NO to both of those

well we love you,
kyler the bad ass